A little over two years ago, I shared a post on why I was leaving Feedburner which, up until then, had pretty much been the go-to service for bloggers looking for an easy way to offer a subscription service for readers, either by email or RSS.
At the time, I mentioned I was moving to Feedblitz, and offered reasons why. However, since then, Feedblitz has continued to lack in certain areas – statistics around subscribers are always erratic, very limited templates to work with, delays in publishing, etc.
So, this will be the last “newsletter” (read “email updates”) that email subscribers to this blog will receive from Feedblitz. There will also be some changes to the way the content here is presented – more on that soon.
In the meantime, here’s what you need to do to keep receiving updates.
Email Subscribers
If you subscribe to this blog via email, and you wish to continue, there’s nothing you need to do. I will be importing your details into the new database over the next couple of days, and you will continue to receive updates as normal – with a slight change to delivery schedule.
Instead of receiving the post as soon as it’s published, I will be changing to a newsletter format. As well as including the latest post, the newsletter will include a link to an article from other content creators, or news story, that I think might interest you.
I really want to start sharing some of the content creators that inspire me more, so each newsletter will include a recommendation for you.
Additionally, I will share a tip – it may be a trick to use a social media platform better, or a new tool to check out, or similar. And finally, I’ll be sharing my thoughts on something that’s caught my eye that week and made me think, and opening up the conversation with you around that.
Basically, the newsletter will offer a more personal experience than just getting the latest blog update, and I look forward to seeing where we go with it. One thing I will promise – as always, I will never spam you, and will only share recommended reading, etc., that I feel you will really enjoy.
The newsletter will go out at 10.00am EST every Sunday morning (starting on Sunday, September 7), and I hope it will offer something for you to relax into the last day of the weekend with.
If this doesn’t sound like something you’re interested in, no worries – simply use the Unsubscribe link at the end of this email, and you’ll be removed completely from the new set-up and future updates.
RSS Subscribers
This is pretty straightforward – for now, I’ll be continuing with Feedblitz for RSS subscribers, so you don’t need to do anything at all. I may change the publisher of the RSS feed in the future, but for now everything remains exactly the same.
Should I change the feed, you’ll be the first to know, and I’ll post instructions on how to update your current subscription.
Of course, if the new newsletter format sounds like something you’re interested in, hop on over to this actual post on my blog, and use the Subscribe box at the end of the post. If you remain subscribing via RSS, you’ll continue to just receive the post itself.
Thanks For Being Here So Far
As always, I’m really grateful for you subscribing to the blog, regardless of format – email of RSS. The fact you allow me into your busy lives is something I really appreciate, and hopefully that will continue in the new “format”.
My goal with the newsletter is to provide a more “complete” experience, and a more personal one. Hopefully you’ll see that happen, and please, always feel free to email me with thoughts on the content of a particular newsletter, or a suggestion for a future one.
Thanks for being here so far – here’s to the next “stage”. Cheers!