One of the things we’re always hearing about social media is how it’s changing the business landscape for companies of all sizes.
What we don’t always hear, though, is how you can be part of these changes, whether it’s from your own business point-of-view, or that of your social media-enabled customers.
To help with this, we’ve put together this free ebook that shares some of the more useful statistics of the most popular social networks, as well as some ways you can use this information to build a social media strategy into your other marketing efforts.
Hopefully you’ll find some use in it. We’ll also be offering other ebooks and exclusive business guides soon, so if you’re interested in these, you can use the sign-up form at the end of this post.
And let us know if you found the ebook useful. Cheers!
To download the ebook, simply right-click on the image and choose Save Link As.
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