Or maybe just 15 ways your business could be optimized to appeal more to the folks you’re missing but would like not to miss.
- You don’t revisit your business plan regularly to re-align your current needs.
- You have one way and one way only to contact you.
- You advertise once a week with no surprises.
- You silo your teams.
- You don’t see the people, just the numbers behind the people.
- You haven’t updated your website since 2004.
- You offer just one payment option.
- You cut corners on investment.
- You don’t measure results properly.
- Your reinvestment budget pays for your weekend cottage.
- Yours is the only voice in the company.
- You think automated phone trees are the best thing since sliced bread.
- You don’t consider social media.
- You ignore the smaller fish for the blue whales.
- You’re recognizing the compartments of this list you’re currently reading.
Any to add?