As we approach the end of the year, I thought it might be fun to share Ten for 10 in 2010 ? a list of people, blogs, apps, platforms and more that I think you might enjoy checking out in 2010.
These are just personal takes and, as with any list, this is subjective so please feel free to leave your own thoughts in the comments after the post.
In this final Ten for 10 in 2010 post, I look at ten bloggers that I think you’ll laugh with, learn from and more in 2010 ? I hope you enjoy.
Jackie Adkins. According to his archives, Jackie Adkins has been blogging since May 2008, yet I only “discovered” him earlier this year – I have some catching up to do. His Curbside Marketer blog is a breath of fresh air, fresh views and fresh insights into an often staid space, and his writing style keeps you interested always. A great read.
Christina Kingston. I knew Christina Kingston was already funny by the tweets we’ve shared on Twitter – what I didn’t realize is how funny she is full stop. Her blog at C.T. Kingston is sharp, biting, funny, smart, no-holds barred brilliance, and I look forward to being continuously entertained by Christina next year. I think you will too.
Kneale Mann. One of the smartest and most passionate people around, Kneale Mann is also a brilliant blogger. His One Mann’s Opinion blog is full of inspirational musings, shared wisdom, marketing smarts and general all-round good stuff about life, people and business. Simply put, Kneale should be on any blog reader’s feed.
Jim Connolly. 2009 was the year I rediscovered Jim Connolly and his fantastic Jim’s Marketing Blog. I’d already had it in my reader, but hadn’t visited as much as I should have – my loss. Jim’s blog is one of the best marketing blogs period, and he’s been knocking his posts out the park for a while now. 2010 promises much and I look forward to reading more from this fellow Brit.
Dave Fleet. I’ve admired and respected Dave Fleet for a long time now, and not just because he’s another fellow Brit! His self-named Dave Fleet blog is one of the very best PR and social media blogs around, and he’s never afraid to call things as they are – something many bloggers could learn from. Like PR and social media? Then you need to read Dave Fleet.
Lauren Fernandez. Another PR superstar, Lauren Fernandez continues to impress me in pretty much everything she does. Her LAF blog is full of insights that many other folks in PR miss, and she questions the norm every single time – the sign of a great blogger. Engaging, witty and knowledgeable, Lauren is sure to soar even higher in 2010.
Brett Borders. One of the most underrated bloggers around, Brett Borders is someone that should be on everyone’s radar. His Social Media Rockstar blog is one of the best around when it comes to delving into social media’s good, bad and ugly side. No respecter of “reputations” (as it should be), Brett is required reading for anyone interested in social media.
DJ Waldow. The Director of Community over at Blue Sky Factory, DJ Waldow carries this over to his Social Butterfly Guy blog. Offering his always wise views on social media, community, communications, marketing and more, DJ Waldow’s voice is one that’s been continuously on my reading list in 2009. Here’s to more good stuff in 2010.
Nicole D’Alonzo. One of the best things in 2009 has been seeing the rise of Nicole D’Alonzo. Tireless and selfless in her aim to make the world a better place, Niki’s Charity Moxie blog is a great mix of non-profit news, ideas, profiles and videos. If you want to know how to care more for the less fortunate, Niki’s your perfect tour guide.
John Haydon. One of my favourite bloggers around, John Haydon is a veritable treasure chest of information. Social media, marketing, non-profits, how-to guides, video blogging, musician, storyteller – John wears all these caps and more over at John Haydon. You want smarts and self-depreciation? Add John Haydon to your reader in 2010.
These are the ten bloggers that I feel everyone should know in 2010, if you don’t already. They also usher in the end of the Ten for 10 in 2010 series of posts, which hopefully you’ve enjoyed reading as much as I have putting them together.
Obviously there are many great bloggers around that we should be aware of, so please feel free to leave your favourite(s) in the comments below.
I’ll be posting a special video message for the New Year later, so hopefully you can join me for that. In the meantime, if I don’t say it enough later, have a safe and healthy 2010 and I hope you and yours have the very best of all you wish for next year and beyond.